BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign
Research Booklet - Tabletop Gaming
This the complete research booklet for the Unit 2 Exam which I have created to aid with the research students are required to do for the BTEC Nationals Unit 2 Exam in January on ‘Tabletop Gaming’
This research booklet covers all of the criteria from the pre-release brief and breaks it down for students to ensure they are meeting all of the points in the brief.
I hope this helps anyone struggling to find any resources on this!
Two lessons worth of activities and notes sheets. These notes sheets take students through the theory needed for 7P’s and then there is a ‘real life’ link with an article and question, essay plan activity.
A student led worksheet which covers the below part of the topic:
Can be used as a flip learning task to introduce students to the below concepts or as consolidation or as a lesson aid.
1.2.1 The main types of business ownership:
• sole trader
• partnerships
• limited companies (private and public)
• public corporations.
This is a worksheet that has a exam question on the ‘1.5.6 Entrepreneur to leaders’ topic.
The worksheet is designed to allow students to work through it independently to plan and write their answer , as well as peer/self-assess using the guidance.
A good consolidation task that requires minimum input and can be peer assessed/self assessed.
Can be used as a student led exercise in class or as homework!
These resources were used as a theory based lesson for the BTEC Unit 3.
The sort cards and placemats were used for the starter activity to introduce market research.
For the main body I gave groups case studies to apply to the 'main&' worksheet and pupils used IPads to assist them in their research.
Plenary included pupils own evaluation and identification of the success criteria needed to pass the assignments.
This resource will aid/provide structure to the writing up of the rationale for the unit 2 exam for activity 1. It breaks down all of the criteria and includes an exemplar of a past exam. This can be used to give students guidance on what to include in their exam write up and also could be used as part of a lesson to allow students to practice writing using the past exam case study.
NEW BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 22 – Market Research
Coursework booklet – Learning Aim A
This resource is a student coursework booklet. It covers all of the coursework criteria for Learning Aim A for Unit 22 – Market Research.
This resource includes:
Learning Aim A Assignment brief for Unit 22 – Market Research
Student friendly break down of each task for Learning Aim A - Unit 22 – Market Research
A writing frame/writing guide for students to follow to ensure they are meeting the assessment criteria for Learning Aim A - Unit 22 – Market Research
I hope this helps anyone struggling to find any resources for this unit!
I used this resource to introduce the topic of 'interpreting market data'. I put the different market data sheets around the room and pupils analysed each organisations market and financial data, then moved round to the next table to complete the next one. They used all of the practical skills that need to be taught for this topic. The follow up lesson we discussed findings etc and linked it to the theory and exam practice.
Goes well with the 'New A-level Business - Notes sheet - Interpreting market Data'
Unit 2: managers, leaders and decision making
Elements covered:
3.2.1 understanding management, leadership and decision making,
3.2.2 understanding management and decision making,
3.2.3 understanding the role and importance of stakeholders
I. Multiple choice questions
II. Short exam questions
III. Wider reading
IV. Academic reading
V. Extended exam style questions
BTEC** Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business
Unit 6: Principles of Management
Preparation Booklet – Anvil Ltd
This booklet helps students to prepare for the Unit 6 Exam. I have created to aid with the preparation students are required to do for the BTEC Nationals Unit 6 Exam in January on Anvil Ltd. The pre-release was set on 10/12/2018
This preparation booklet covers all of the criteria from the pre-release brief and breaks it down for students to ensure they are meeting all of the points in the brief and researching, applying to parts of Unit 6 which are relevant – HR Strategies, Motivation and labour market analysis.
I hope this helps anyone struggling to find any resources on this!
NEW BTEC Level 3 Business: Unit 22 – Market Research
Coursework booklet – Learning Aim B
This resource is a basic two part writing guide to Learning Aim B. A Powerpoint and a Written report.
It covers the criteria for Learning Aim B for Unit 22 – Market Research.
This resource includes:
• A student friendly break down of each task for Learning Aim B - Unit 22 – Market Research
• Two tasks to help students write their coursework – Create a PowerPoint of their research plan and a written evaluative report of their pilot survey and plan. These tasks have prompts for students to complete the coursework task
• This resource is a writing frame for students to follow to ensure they are meeting the assessment criteria for Learning Aim B - Unit 22 – Market Research
I hope this helps anyone struggling to find any resources for this unit!
Unit 1: The Purpose of Business
Elements covered:
3.1.1 understanding the nature of business,
3.1.2 understanding business forms,
3.1.3 understanding that businesses operate within an external environment
I. Multiple Choice Questions
II. Short Exam Questions
III. Wider Reading
IV. Extended Exam Style Questions
A work booklet designed for unit 1 - learning aim A. This booklet meets all the criteria for learning aim A tasks and allows students to work through as independently as you need them to. Can be used to aid writing up the coursework or can be broken down as lesson activites and worksheets.
Guide sheets which cover **all **learning aims for Unit 1. These sheets break down the criteria needed to pass the unit and students can use it as a help sheet and to aid in structuring their coursework
This is a broken down version of what a 9 mark answer should look like, it can be used to help students structure their 9 mark answers, as well as used for peer assessment in lesson.
This sheet was given to pupils before introducing them to the budgets and budgeting lesson for the finance unit. They completed the Pre-reading for homework in preparation for the lesson ahead. Can easily be used as an 'in class' activity too!